Retired Healthcare Industry Executive and entrepreneur, Terry currently works closely with museums and universities around the world as part of his interest in the study of
Meteoritics. Terry has a world renowned meteorite collection and studies meteorites and
donates specimens to museums and universities for study and collection, including the
Field Museum in Chicago. He is also active in the field of Paleontology (the study of
prehistoric life), where Terry leads dinosaur digs in the field with his two sons and with
universities and museums, including the Field Museum in Chicago. He has a world
renowned fossil collection as well and has donated many specimens to science for
study and collection.
Terry attended the University of Georgia and Western New England college. Terry is actively
involved in mentoring and sponsoring disadvantaged youths both individually and through outreach programs in the Chicago area.
Terry is married to Gail Koziara Boudreaux and has two sons, Christopher and
Evan. Evan currently plays for Team NLP.
Thank you to all the sponsors and parents for their support in helping Team NLP
have a successful AAU season. Team
Team NLP appreciates all you have done to help make this experience possible.